Creative Disciple Newsletter
February 4, 2024
Pure Affection, Prophets Speak
During the month of February, we will be focusing on the virtue of purity in affection as a part of our commitment to godly character. This quality is referred to as “one-woman-man” by the apostle Paul when talking about men, but it also applies to women and singles. Explore the meaning of this quality and include it in your monthly focus on developing godly character.
Focused Discipleship
#PersonalLife Scott Hubbard suggests a lost weapon in the fight for purity. Tony Merida explains what being marked by true Christlikeness means.
#ChurchLife There are dangers in self-soothing through social media, but the church can respond. Can you be a Christian without going to church?
#FamilyLife Dads, if your children are still in the home, get ahead of the false worldviews and maximize your influence. Mothers, remind your children of God’s truth to guard them from faith-forsaking.
#WorkLife Wealth is not an end in itself, but it could be a door to destruction. School is work, and here are some tips to stay sane.
Soaping Ezra
Prophets Speak
Prophets Haggai and Zechariah urge Jews to rebuild despite the king’s order; adversaries then report their defiance to King Darius. Let’s explore Ezra 5 with the SOAP method.
Weekly Wallpaper
Pure Affection
God wants your affections to be pure. He desires that you have a blameless reputation regarding your passions. Let this wallpaper remind you to be a one-woman-man.
I’d love to hear from you. Just hit reply to let me know what you thought of this week’s newsletter, share link ideas for future issues, or just say hello!
Until next time.