
Keeping the Lights On While Aaron is Out

by Jacob Abshire on July 11, 2014

Don’t tell anyone, but my wife likes to keep the lights on in the house when we are out of town. I hear it is quite common. Somehow, it scares intruders away by giving the illusion that someone is home.

Aaron Armstrong, blogger at Blogging Theologically, is taking some time off from his website to refresh with his family. While away, several writers (including myself) will keep the lights on. Not to scare the intruders away, but to maintain relations with his visitors. Here is a (partial) list of who to expect (found here):

Visit Blogging Theologically and subscribe. It has a good dose of interviewsbook reviews, highlights and deals, and quotes from vintage saints. Also, follow Aaron Armstrong on Twitter (maybe you will see his vacation pics).


My two articles can be found here:

A New Discipleship Resource

Creative Content for Christian Men

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