
Comprehensive Goal Setting

by Jacob Abshire on January 13, 2015

Let’s think big picture-ish.

If your reflections on the prior year didn’t spark any ideas for goals, then today’s exercise will surely help. When setting goals, we need to remember the goal of goal setting is to glorify God. Our goals should help us reflect God’s radiant goodness more brightly.

For this reason, we should not think so narrowly about goals. Since all of our life should glorify God, we could have goals in every area. I’d like to suggest six areas of life to help you be more comprehensive with your goal setting.

Spiritual Goals

Sadly, our spiritual life is usually the last thing on our mind when setting goals. This is why I bring it up first. Nothing is more important than your spiritual well-being. You will live longer spiritually than you will physically (duh!). This is reason enough to take it seriously. Consider these ideas:

  • Spend time each morning in devotional reading and prayer.
  • Read through the entire Bible chronologically.
  • Keep a daily prayer or gratitude journal.
  • Attend a new class at church to improve your understanding.

Health Goals

We cannot miss the importance of our health. Exercise contributes to the rest of your life more than you know it. So does your diet. Both help your blood circulation, heart strength, rest, cognition, and more. Taking care of your body should always have goal setting attention. Consider these ideas:

  • Lose weight by the summer.
  • Exercise for 30 minutes at least four times a week.
  • Eat a certain amount of fruits and vegetables each day.
  • Go to bed at a specific time to ensure good rest.

Marriage Goals

If you’re married, then your relationship with your spouse is the single most important relationship—even above your children. You need to excel each year at drawing closer to your spouse in every way. Consider these ideas:

  • Schedule intentional date nights away from kids.
  • Pray with and for your spouse each day.
  • Help your spouse accomplish goals this year.
  • Take at least one vacation with your spouse this year.

Family Goals

After you marriage, you have family to consider. By this, I mean your immediate family, beginning with your children. You are their shepherd. They need you to stay ahead of them, guiding them to Christlikeness. Consider these ideas:

  • Plan weekly game nights with everyone.
  • Schedule individual “dates” with each child.
  • Build something as a family that takes several months.
  • Take at least one vacation as a family this year.

Business Goals

God desires that you work as unto the Lord. This means you work in such a way that it brings God glory. The folks at the job need you to excel, too. How can you become a more efficient worker for your company? Consider these ideas:

  • Launch a new product or creative idea.
  • Cut expenses in your department to increase the bottom line.
  • Organize your team and assets to increase productivity.
  • Plan your exit strategy and start a business of your own.

Financial Goals

This is always one I’m eager to pound out. Budgeting has never been my gift. Our finances are important to God. We should think through them carefully. God desires that we be abundant givers. The better your financial goals, the better your opportunity to give. Consider these ideas:

  • Pay off remaining debt.
  • Save a certain amount for emergencies.
  • Give a specific amount to the church or ministry.
  • Plan for a large purchase.

These are only ideas to get you thinking. They are not well-rounded goals for you to copy, as we’ll see tomorrow. Our goals need to be fleshed out and met with certain criteria before we qualify them as goals. For now, keep cracking at those well-rounded goals to glorify God.

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