
Manage How Your Family Uses the Internet with Circle

by Jacob Abshire on November 8, 2013

[callout]Meet Circle—the brilliant device that manages how we use the Internet.[/callout]

No doubt, the Internet is a part of life. You can find it in almost every home and in nearly every pocket. As a father concerned for my children, this troubles me. Easy access gives way to evil access.

I toil over ways to protect my children from finding certain things on the web. So my ear is always to the ground.

Fortunately, there is a new product on the horizon called Circle. It allows you to manage every device in your home connected to the Internet. It is managed by an iOS app (for Apple devices), and enables you to choose how your family spends time online.

Circle Device

The Circle Device

Circle was designed with your home in mind. It is simplistic and fits with most décor. It connects to your power outlet with a micro-USB and has an internal battery to work continuously when unplugged. Circle connects to your network wirelessly and is not a replacement for your router. Device features include:

  • Smart Filter
  • Time Manager
  • Notification
  • Pause, Bedtime, and Safe Mode
  • Blocks Ads
  • Simple to Setup

The Circle App

You manage Circle using a beautiful, brilliantly simple, user-friendly app for iOS. It is designed with “at a glance” functionality in mind. You will spend very little time getting an idea of how your family uses their devices. Each member has their own profile, so you can easily see how they manage their time and update individual settings. The app includes:

  • User Profiles (with activity reports)
  • Device Profiles
  • Time Management
  • Device Modes (Bedtime & Safe)
  • Network Pause Mode
  • Guest Devices

Circle App

**Although the KickStarter program wasn’t funded, the company is still continuing with the production of Circle—according to a personal conversation with Crystal Wiley, Circle’s Co-Founder and CMO.

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