Creative Disciple Newsletter
March 12, 2023

The First Easter, and Taming Your Temper

Thank you for your feedback on the Easter devotional. I made some final changes to the ebook and emails by adding the Scriptural references, lengthening the devotional, and adding a section to each day to help you reflect on the reading. I will start promoting by the end of March but feel free to share with your friends today.

The Disciple Shift

Build a Stubborn Calmness

In my godly character series this week, I focused on the phrase, “not violent,” which relates to being a bully. It is a character flaw that manifests in frustration when not getting your way. This kind of violence is seen in everything from throwing a cell phone for not working correctly to abusing a spouse for disappointing you. The godly person is not violent—not abusive and does not resort to aggression as a persuasive device. Read the article, or watch the video by clicking on the graphic below.

Weekly Wallpaper

This week’s wallpaper is designed to remind us to be calm during times of controversy. Water, depending on its flow, can be chaotic or calm. Godly people are to be calm even when the waters around us are chaotic. I hope this helps you.

Next Tuesday, we will continue to look at our tempers. The word “gentle” is the opposite of “violent” but carries a particular nuance to relating to people who are … well, challenging. See you Tuesday on YouTube!

I’ll see you then.

For the Kingdom,
Jacob Abshire

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