Creative Disciple Newsletter
March 5, 2023

Striking a Sobriety Nerve, and Entering Easter Traditions

I was completely shocked, but not really. My latest video touches on a sensitive subject for Christians — drinking alcohol. It has surpassed all of the previous godly characteristics in the series. Strange don’t you think? What do you think it is about drinking alcohol that stirs up the believer’s affections? (Let me know by commenting on my video.)

On a side note, Easter is coming in a few weeks. I’m preparing a number of videos to launch during this time. And, I’m wondering how other families celebrate Easter and use it to lead their family to Jesus. If you have a tradition (or a new practice) that you want to share, let me know. I might include it in one of my videos.

And … 

I want to know about an opportunity to help me finalize my new ebook entitled, The First Easter. It is a 7-day devotional designed to strengthen your faith in the resurrected Christ. I will be announcing in soon. But, you can be first to walk through it … and help me kick the tires some.

The Disciple Shift

Build a Continual Soberness

In the opening of this email, I mentioned the popularity of this video. It relates to us building a reputation of sobriety. The characteristic is actually put in the negative sense, “not a drunkard,” but it helps us to think of it in the positive sense. If you are struggling to watch the video (8 minutes), then you can read the article which is nearly verbatim.

Weekly Wallpaper

Download this week’s newest wallpaper to help remind you to work toward building a reputation of sobriety. It is not a prohibition against drinking alcoholic beverages, but a commitment to remain alert in your mind and unattached to anything that could enslave you.

Next Tuesday, we will talk about ways to control your anger. It is a touchy subject, so don’t get too exercised. In fact, be prepared to watch the video and have your anger tested. You will thank me later.

I’ll see you then.

For the Kingdom,
Jacob Abshire

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