Creative Disciple Newsletter
December 31, 2023

Soaping in the New Year

Spending daily time with the Lord in Scripture reading and prayer is critical to growing and sustaining a Christian life. But there are a multitude of ways to go about it. I want to focus on a particular method this year called SOAP. Below is an introduction. I will walk through a chapter of Ezra each week to provide examples. Then, I’ll follow up with additional ways this method can help you as a Bible teacher, a parent with family devotions, and a writer.

Now, for some notable links …

#DailyDevos The Crossway blog has a few encouraging posts on personal devotions, including tips for Bible reading habits, purposeful studying, and reading plans for kids.

#ChristianLiving Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has a series of articles called Theology for Everyday, which intends to explain theological concepts in condensed writings, including a section for helping children.

#Work Thomas Myrick tells us why work is good. Trillia Newbell explains how joy can be found in work. Karrie Hahn recommends 5 resources on vocation.

Weekly Wallpaper

Best Use of Time

God intends for us to walk in a way that honors Him, loving Him and others more than ourselves. We honor the Lord by carefully and intentionally redeeming the time—making the best use of each moment. Let this design remind you to make every moment count for the Lord, honoring Him in everything you do.

I’d love to hear from you. Just hit reply to let me know what you thought of this week’s newsletter, share link ideas for future issues, or just say hello!

Until next time.

For the Kingdom,
Jacob Abshire

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