Creative Disciple Newsletter
November 6, 2022

Rekindling Gratitude, and a Number of Other Things

There are a number of things in the pipeline that you should know about. But first, let me re-introduce myself.

My name is Jacob.

I foster discipleship by developing creative resources. Chances are … you joined my mailing list by downloading some resources for free or maybe you just wanted to stay up to speed with me. At any rate, hello! … again.

This is the season of giving thanks. So, let me invite you to some resources that I believe will help you cultivate a more grateful attitude toward God and others.

Also … You will dig this.

For the rest of the year, I’m making my Christmas study guide available to download for free. You can forward the official link to your family and friends or download it for yourself.

Subscribe for a Free Download of the Christmas Study Guide

After confirmation of your email, you will receive a link to download an electronic copy of God Breaks His Silence to read on your Apple or Kindle devices.

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* For a limited time.

Finally … a special teaser.

For the past few years, I have been preparing to enter the YouTube space where I can provide creative content for Christian men.

I’m happy to tell you that the time is coming!

Details about the channel will come within the next few weeks. For now, respond to this email with YEA! to let me know if you are interested.

I’ll see you soon.

For the Kingdom,
Jacob Abshire

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