Creative Disciple Newsletter
December 11, 2022

Christmas Music, and Powering Your Mornings

I am a sucker for Christmas music. Right now, I’m rocking an old Hip Hop album by KJ-52 called, “The Mostest Wonderful Time of the Year.” Grab yourself a copy. And, you’re welcome.

By the way, what are you listening to? Respond to let me know. Here are some more Christmas albums to put in your digital jukebox: How Many Kings, Joy: An Irish Christmas, Behold, and A Worship Initiative Christmas. Hit me up if you want a few more.

Last week, we explored the story of Zechariah when the Lord broke His silence through the angel Gabriel announcing the one who will prepare the people for the coming Messiah. This time, we will look at the story of Mary. How will she respond to God’s Word?

Have you started POWER MORNINGS? I have. I’ve learned about beginning your mornings with prayer. Jesus did it. So, should we. Reagan Rose tells us why and gives us tips on how to make it your daily routine.

Sign up for his course with the coupon code JACOB and receive 50% OFF for a limited time. In it, you will gain a practical plan for establishing and maintaining daily habits for a God-glorifying life, and more.

Subject Matter Matters

One of the most common questions I’ve received about The Disciple Shift relates to the subject matter. The topics I cover will be highlighted in the 15-part opening series. I’ll explain more about them next week.

I’ll see you soon.

For the Kingdom,
Jacob Abshire

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