Creative Disciple Newsletter
February 19, 2023

Asbury Revival, and Responsive Sympathy

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve heard about the revival happening at Asbury, and seemingly spreading to nearby colleges. My daughter attends Cedarville University, a 2-hour drive from Asbury, and says that they are witnessing a glimmer of revival signs themselves.

With all this dominating social media (even dripping into television), there are questions arising and confusion ensuing. So, I decided to spend a full night producing a video on how to distinguish true from false revivals. The video is based on teachings by Jonathan Edwards, whom you might recognize as a preacher in The Great Awakening. I suggest you watch the video. And, if you can, read The Spirit of Revival and Praying Together for True Revival, written by Edwards himself.

If you are more interested in reading, I posted a slightly more thorough explanation of the five distinguishing marks of a true revival that you can read on

The Disciple Shift

Build a Responsive Sympathy

Over on the YouTube channel, I posted our next video in the godly character series. This one focuses on the quality of being “hospitable” (1 Tim. 3:2). It is a surprisingly simple idea of being responsive to the needs of others around you and using them to be a gospel influence.

Weekly Wallpaper

Corresponding to the recent video on hospitality, this week’s weekly wallpaper design reminds us that we are to use our resources to meet the needs of others who are in need with the intention of being a witness to them.

Next Tuesday, we will turn our attention to our mouths. The next characteristic in our study examines the phrase “able to teach” and relates to our use of the communication for the glory of God.

I’ll see you then.

For the Kingdom,
Jacob Abshire

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