Wednesday Wallpaper: The Righteous Give Thanks
Scriptures: Psalms 140:13
by Jacob Abshire on November 16, 2016
In the 140th Psalm, David cries out to God for deliverance from the evil that men do. They “plan evil things in their heart and stir up wars continuously” (Ps. 140:2). He desires the Lord’s protection and mercy as well as His vengeance upon the wicked. And, as man laments do, he closes by expressing confidence in the Lord’s response. Let this wallpaper design remind you that the Lord is your protector and worthy of your gratitude. This wallpaper features a photo from Houston photographer Dan Mills.
“Surely the righteous shall give thanks to your name; the upright shall dwell in you presence.”
Psalm 140:13

These wallpapers are designed to stimulate godly meditations. To participate, send your favorite quote or scripture to [email protected] and maybe it will be selected as the next design.