May I live worthy of my vocation. All Christians are called to serve the Lord in different ways and in various seasons of life. In a prayer from The Valley of Vision, we are reminded that we need God’s grace to faithfully and effective glorify Him through ministry. “Grant me not to be barren, with worthless leaves and wild grapes,” we pray. Let this design remind you that God must prune away things in our lives that hinder our ministry to God’s church and the world.
HEAVENLY FATHER, Thou hast placed me in the church which thy Son purchased by his own blood. Add grace to grace that I may live worthy of my vocation. I am a voyager across life’s ocean; Safe in heaven’s ark, may I pass through a troubled world into the harbour of eternal rest.
I am a tree of the vineyard thou hast planted. Grant me not to be barren, with worthless leaves and wild grapes; Prune me of useless branches; Water me with dews of blessing. I am part of the Lamb’s bride, the church. Help me to be true, faithful, chaste, loving, pure, devoted; Let no strong affection wantonly dally with the world.
May I live high above a love of things temporal, sanctified, cleansed, unblemished, hallowed by grace, thy love my fullness, thy glory my joy, thy precepts my pathway, thy cross my resting place.
My heart is not always a flame of adoring love, But, resting in thy Son’s redemption, I look forward to the days of heaven, where no langour shall oppress, no iniquities chill, no mists of unbelief dim the eye, no zeal ever tires.
Father, these thoughts are the stay, prop, and comfort of my soul.

These wallpapers are designed to stimulate godly meditations. To participate, send your favorite quote or scripture to [email protected] and maybe it will be selected as the next design.