The rush of Sunday morning was beginning to calm. But the excitement the risen Jesus had stirred was far from over. About seven miles from Jerusalem, two disciples were walking to Emmaus discussing the news of the empty tomb as the women described it.
The death of their Lord was still heavy on their hearts. The uncertainty of the empty tomb and the women’s extraordinary testimony was mind boggling. While the two disciples discussed what had transpired, a man inquired of them.
They shared the events with the apparent stranger. They told him about Jesus, how He ministered among the people as a prophet of God and how He stirred up the anger of the chief priests and rulers who crucified Him as a criminal. They described Him as their hope, the Messiah and King, and yet there was the empty tomb and a strange testimony from the women.
The man responded, “Oh foolish ones, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!” He continued, “Wasn’t all of this necessary so that the Christ would suffer and enter into His glory?” Then, beginning with the first books of the Old Testament, the man explained to them how the Scriptures taught all these things.
The two disciples hung on every word as if God Himself were speaking to them. They refused to let the man depart from them and continued conversing over dinner. While eating, they savored His exposition of Scripture.
God opened their eyes to recognize this stranger as the risen Jesus. No wonder His words were so satisfying to their soul! “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?”
The psalmist says those who delight in God’s Word are blessed (Ps. 1:1-2). It burns within their soul, producing hope in the Son of God. Is this true for you? Does God’s Word burn within your heart today? Do you savor in understanding it? Taste and see its goodness!