
A Glimpse of Hope in a History of Death

Scriptures: Genesis 5:1-32
by Jacob Abshire on July 11, 2016

Enoch walked with God.

Genesis 5:1-32

Imagine yourself being lifted from the story and propelled through a time warp, where the history of the world is rapidly portrayed in front of you. You see people live and die and their children do the same. This is what we find here in Genesis, a leap forward in time that connects the story we know to the story we are yet to encounter. “This is the book of the generations of Adam.”

The first thing we notice is that Adam was made “in the likeness of God.” However, sin disfigured the pure image of God that Adam bore. It was no longer clear. Unfortunately, neither was it clear for his children. They were all born “in his own likeness, after his image,” impaired by sin.

Naturally, those who are born of sin reap the consequences of sin, which is death. So in this time warp, we see a pattern of fathers having sons and dying. Then, their sons have sons and die—for more than a thousand years. Seth fathered Enosh, and “he died.” Enosh fathered Kenan, and “he died.” Kenan fathered Mahalalel, and “he died.” There was so much death as a result of sin, just as God said there would be.

There was one, however, who did not die. He was a devoted man, named Enoch, who “walked with God.” That is to say, he reconciled with God, submitted himself to the Lord’s will, communed with Him in fellowship, and was faithful to God’s design. He was different from Adam, who hid from God in the garden. Also, unlike Adam, he didn’t die. Rather, he skipped death. He “walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.” Enoch was a glimpse of hope for mankind and a picture of those who believe in God and trust His ways above all. For all others, there is death.

  1. How was Enoch different from all the others in his lineage? What sort of comfort do we find in Enoch that we do not find in the others?
  2. What does this lineage tell us about God’s word? How does it teach us that God is just, faithful, and merciful?
  3. What does walking with God mean to you today? How is your walk with God? What do you need to change?
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