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This is Jesus: A Companion Study Guide

He claimed to be God. He claimed to be King.

He forgave and judged, blessed and cursed. In all of this, He is inescapably linked to us. But who is Jesus? What did He say and do that was so spectacular? More importantly, how can we trust that He is who He says He is—Savior of the world?

Jesus made serious claims. He also did some serious things. If those claims and acts are even possibly true, then what we know and believe about Jesus has serious implications for our lives.

This book was written to guide you through a series of lessons to help you answer the question of Jesus’ identity correctly and biblically. We will journey through a progression of evidence that paints a clear picture of who He is. Your job is to follow along and decide for yourself. Your life depends on it.

In lesson one, we’ll consider the historicity of Jesus from the Gospels and why these accounts can be trusted. Then, we’ll jump immediately into His teachings to discover His uniqueness among the leaders of His day. Lesson three takes the next step and grabs hold of a particular teaching on His kingly rule. After that, lesson four cuts to the heart of much debate about Jesus’ divine nature. In lesson five, He became man for us. He lived perfectly for us in lesson six. He died to pay for our sins in lesson seven. Finally, He was raised to life, proving Himself in lesson eight.

Join us as we journey through this study and seek to answer the ultimate question: Who is Jesus?

Note: This book was written and produced by the creative writing team at Northeast Houston Baptist Church. Jacob Abshire was granted permission by Crossway to publish online for free as a companion study guide to Greg Gilbert’s Who is Jesus?