
Surrendering in Reverence

by Jacob Abshire on April 2, 2015

With the Festival of Unleavened Bread now finished, the disciples returned to Galilee as Jesus had directed them. Doubt still lingered in their hearts about what was to come now that Jesus had resurrected and was gone. So, they began fishing—their familiar livelihood before following Christ.

Fishing was their means of support, their job, their source of income. It was their way of life. They found subsistence in the work of the waters. Without it, they had very little.

Yet, Jesus had taught them to find subsistence in Him. He had called them out to be fishers of men—those who cast the net of the gospel in hope that some will be drawn in. Fishing was not wrong. They were called to a higher calling, and Christ would be their livelihood.

Having caught no fish that day, the disciples heard someone cry out from the shore, “Cast the net to the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” They reluctantly tried, and fish swarmed to their nets. It was a miracle! They knew then it was Jesus.

The disciples rushed to the shore where Jesus had a fire, with fish and bread for breakfast. “Bring your catch,” He said. Their net was full, but it didn’t break. Jesus was showing them He had provided their catch, protected their work, and prepared their breakfast. He was their subsistence, not the waters.

Jesus, likely pointing to the fish, asked Peter, “Do you love me more than these?” It was a question over livelihood, comfort, and loyalty. Those who love Christ more than “these things” of their life will surrender all for the sake of gaining Him. Is Jesus your subsistence for life? Is He more important than all your other affections combined?

For Peter, Jesus was everything. He loved Christ so much he would later suffer a brutal death of crucifixion for His sake. Peter surrendered in reverence. Are you prepared to surrender all for King Jesus?

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